Sunday, 5 February 2017


Venus is the planet of pleasure. Mars is the planet of desire. So, Venus and mars is the most important planet in marriage astrology . One astrologer must check its placement in both the horoscope and should also match its placement  in  both the birth chart.

In today, in world of freedom with  mental compatibility physical compatibility should also check
because if due to any reason mental compatibility is not working then sexual  / physical compatibility will balance it 

In our society we see that so many couple have extra marital affairs and sometimes  wife are also complaining that my husband rape me etc it’s all due to mars Venus placement in both the birth chart. Sometime it is also due to birth chart problem of individuals like mars in seventh or Venus in seventh house north-node in seventh house it depends....but Venus and mars are most effecting planets in birth chart

Mars is the demand and Venus is the supply if demand and supply with each other is perfect than there will be no problem in marriage

We also analysis this ashtkoot Milan by yoni dosha but it is just by nakshatra so desire and pleasure of individual should also check by Venus and Mars placement in each other’s birth chart
So first of all learn this steps of Venus mars Synastry
First step find out Venus in which sign of both the birth chart
Second step find out mars in which sign of both the birth chart
Then count sign number from one mars to others Venus
If mars Venus placed 9/5 to each other than 100% satisfaction (natural match )
If mars Venus placed 1/1 , 4/10 ,1/7 to each other than 75% satisfaction (natural match )
If mars Venus placed 3/11 than 50% satisfaction (human effort required)
If mars Venus placed 2/12 than 25% satisfaction (friendship and effort required in this relationship. possibility of rape)
If mars Venus placed 6/8 than 0% satisfaction (so much effort required ,possibility of extra marital affair)
For example
In one boy‘s birth chart Venus is in leo sign and mars in scorpio sign
In one girl’s birth chart Venus and mars both in pisces
So In  boy’s birth chart mars and girls birth chart Venus are placed 9/5 to each other so whenever boy desire girl will supply
But in girl’s birth chart mars and boy’s birth chart Venus are placed 6/8 to each other so whenever girl desire boy will not supply

I found this is in so many birth chart and the girls were  having extra marital affair so if some one has 0 marks in yoni dosha but having  good placement of Venus mars than they will not face any problem in bedroom life but  if you not get any marks in yoni dosha and also problem in this Venus mars placement  than their bedroom pleasure will be not good

other's placement of planet which also  makes your marriage life happy
In in one's birth chart venus in some sign in opposite partner's birth chart rahu in same sign then rahu person will increase the pleasure of venus person
If in one's birth chart venus in some sign in opposite partner's birth chart moon in same sign then they both will enjoy eachother's company its best yoga for love and romance
If in one's birth chart mars in some sign in opposite partner's birth chart moon in same sign then moon person will fulfill the desire of mars person


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