Today I am going to discuss important topic of
Vedic astrology which is important of house lord in Synastry (Technics of planet matching for marriage match making)
we should know what is house , house lord , significater , seating planet , aspect
that I will take the example of agriculture
is the farm , House lord is the farmer ,
Significater is the seed , seating planet is the soil , Aspecting planet is the atmosphere .
agriculture we have seen that farmer is all .so that’s why house lord is given
so much important in astrology and also in Synastry
lord Synastry technique :
For marriage
mostly 1st, 7th,8th, & 12th house are more important than any other house . (60%)
and 10th house effect on
marriage life(15%)
house and 11th house effects
on marriage life.(20%)
3rd, 6th house effect on marriage life.(3%)
house effect on marriage life (2%)
In short
out of 100 each house lord contain this marks
house,7th house ,8th house , 12th house lord
each having 15 marks
house and 10th house lord
each having 7.5 marks
house and 11th house lord
each having 10 marks
, 3rd , 6th
, house lord each having 1 marks
house lord having 2 marks
of all check how many of house lord are friends to each other .Then check how they are placed with each other .Then
count points for the compatibility using
this techniques .
If house
lord are placed 9/5 to each other then take 100%, for 1/7, 1/1 ,4/10 take 75 %, for
3/11 take 50% ,for 2/12 take 25 % and for 6/8 take 0 % of marks
If marks
is above 60% means couple will have good compatibility with each other even
though they do not have any compatibility in ashtkoot Milan
In addition to providing a ‘compatibility score’, the Kuta
System can be used to identify where there is a blockage in the energy flow
between two individuals in a relationship. When this is integrated with an
overall assessment of the combined planetary influences, taken by reading the
two charts as one, together with appropriate and supportive astrological
counselling, an effective appraisal of the planetary dynamics existing within the
relationship can hopefully be realised.
Astrology is a huge field of study because
there are so many different factors to look at, and of course not all
astrologers agree on the relative importance of the different techniques. One
of the techniques which is most important, however, is the reading of the two
charts together, by matching the rashis and overlaying one chart on top of the
other (Synastry). This can give a very detailed picture of how the energies of
the different grahas resonate with each other, by determining planetary aspects
and other influences. so one astrologer should consider all facters and then
take decision
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