Tuesday, 6 June 2017


6 Noble Virtues of an Ideal Wife              
Karyeshu Dasi – In every work / profession the wife / husband should be supportive.
Karaneshu Mantri – Wise suggestions & exchanging of views each other properly.
Bhojeshu Mata – Excellent home maker to manage sweet home & food.
Rupeshu  Lakshmi – Good looking to husband.
Kshamaya  Dharitri – Should be very patient.
Shayaneshu  Rambha – Good marital life with husband & bed comforts.

How exactly compatible like above  sloka. How the great aspect on both charts as well the combination of both how it’s fruitful we can signify as per astrology. Which show the reality of marital life very genuinely.

1. Karyeshu Dasi & Bhojeshu Mata – Good aspects between Saturn and moon in Bride &  Grooms charts
2.Karaneshu  Mantri –  Good aspects between Mercury & Jupiter  , Jupiter & Sun, Jupiter & Moon , Sun & Mars , Sun & moon   in bride and grooms chart
3.Rupeshu  Lakshmi & Shayaneshu  Rambha –Good aspects between  Mars & Venus for lifelong affection in bride and grooms  chart
4.Kshamaya  Dharitri – Good aspects  between  Jupiter & Saturn in bride and grooms chart

if two planets are 9/5 to eachother then they will 100 % supportive to eachother
if two planets are 1/1 , 1/7 , 4/10 , to eachother then 75 % supportive to eachother
if two planets are 3/11 to eachother then 50 % supportive to eachother
if two planets are 2/12 to eachother then 25 % supportive to eachother 
if two planets are 6/8 to eachother then 0 % supportive to eachother

Wednesday, 26 April 2017


AKSHAY TRITIYA- AKATRIJ As on Friday, 28th April,2017 (from 10.30 am onward up to next day sunrise) The legend about Akshay Trithiya: Vaishakh Shukla Trithiya. The beginning of Sat-yug and Treta-yug started on AkshayTrithiya.

The donation, learning, hard work done on this day will result in good deeds that will be eternal, meaning Akshay(NEVER DESTROY)…….That is why it is called Akshay Trithiya.

If this day falls on a Monday or in Rohini Nakshatra then is considered most auspicious. This year it is falling on a Rohini Nakshatra(Afternoon 13.30pm) and hence it is very auspicious. This is celebrated as the first day of Sat-yog and that is why this day is also called the Yog-aadi Trithiya. If a person takes a dip in the holy water of ganges on this day, that person can get rid of all their paap and bad deeds. One should donate, various food items including, rice, wheat, salt, sugar, tamarind, fruits, fan and clothes and give dakshina to Brahmins.

Yudhistir, asked Shri Krishna the importance of Akshay Trithiya. Sri Krishna said that this tithi is full in itself. On Akshay Trithiya, one should take a bath in the morning, then perform Yugya, Punya, taap, Homa, pitr puja. The person who does this, will get eternal and ever flowing punya through-out his life. Shri Krishna said, that the story goes like this…. there was a very poor man who respected devatas and Brahmins and had the highest values of life. He had a very large family because of which he was very worried and disturbed. He then heard about the Akashay Trithiya Vrat. On this day, he took a dip in the holy water of ganges early morning. Then he performed the rituals and puja for all the devis and Devatas. He donated whatever he had, including food, rice, wheat, salt, sugar, clothes to the poor and Brahmins, even though his family was not happy about it. He continued to perform this puja, Vrat and donations every year…due to which, in his next life he became the mighty King of Kushawati . With the blessings of gods he became rich, majestic and devoted.

So my dear friends please utilize this day for cleansing your clutter and donate to needy people. This is no day to accumulate wealth, but one has to accumulate his good deeds, because we only takes our good deeds with us when we leave this earth. If you don't purchase Gold it's price will not be affected but if you miss any good deeds then certainly you miss a lot. One secret is that if you wish to get millions times of results you do that day, then don't tell anyone about what good deeds you have done on that day. Only between two soul should know about it.

If you are unable to donate or do any good deeds then just seat in yoga mudra and face North direction for 24 minutes. Your soul becomes lighter and lighter.


Sunday, 23 April 2017


Today  I am going to discuss important topic of Vedic astrology which is important of house lord in Synastry (Technics  of planet matching for marriage match making)
First we should know what is house , house lord , significater , seating planet , aspect ??
For that I will take the example of agriculture
House is the farm  , House lord is the farmer , Significater is the seed , seating planet is the soil , Aspecting  planet is the atmosphere .
In agriculture we have seen that farmer is all .so that’s why house lord is given so much important in astrology and also in Synastry
House lord Synastry  technique :
For marriage mostly 1st, 7th,8th,  &  12th  house are more important than any other  house . (60%)
9th and 10th house effect  on marriage life(15%)
5th house and 11th house  effects on marriage life.(20%)
2nd, 3rd, 6th  house  effect on marriage life.(3%)
4th house effect on marriage life (2%)
In short out of 100 each house lord contain this marks
1st house,7th house ,8th house , 12th house lord each having 15 marks
9th house and  10th house lord each having 7.5 marks
5th house and  11th house lord each having 10 marks
2nd , 3rd  , 6th , house lord each having 1 marks
4th house lord having 2 marks

First of all check how many of house lord are friends to each other .Then  check  how they are placed with each other .Then count points for  the compatibility using this techniques .
If house lord are placed 9/5 to each other then  take 100%, for 1/7, 1/1 ,4/10 take 75 %, for 3/11 take 50% ,for 2/12 take 25 % and for 6/8 take 0 % of marks

If marks is above 60% means couple will have good compatibility with each other even though they do not have any compatibility in ashtkoot Milan

In addition to providing a ‘compatibility score’, the Kuta System can be used to identify where there is a blockage in the energy flow between two individuals in a relationship. When this is integrated with an overall assessment of the combined planetary influences, taken by reading the two charts as one, together with appropriate and supportive astrological counselling, an effective appraisal of the planetary dynamics existing within the relationship can hopefully be realised.

Astrology  is a huge field of study because there are so many different factors to look at, and of course not all astrologers agree on the relative importance of the different techniques. One of the techniques which is most important, however, is the reading of the two charts together, by matching the rashis and overlaying one chart on top of the other (Synastry). This can give a very detailed picture of how the energies of the different grahas resonate with each other, by determining planetary aspects and other influences. so one astrologer should consider all facters and then take decision 


Tuesday, 4 April 2017


Advantages of Saturn stationery
Saturn in transit, it is in motion mostly, for some time period it is retrograde , and very small time period it is stationery. Saturn is always counting your good karma and bad karma  
But during stationary, karma is not counting by Saturn so Saturn will not effect you . So one should do good deeds or bad deed will not taken into counting by Saturn
But we should do good karma during this time
In this year we are lucky to have two stationery time from 2nd April to 10th April and from 21st September to 30 September  (T/C 5th April and 25 September on this day Saturn is not stationary)
Planet in motion gives result according to sun wish planet in Retrograde will give result according to  his own wish .so in this entire time  period Saturn will gives result according to his own wish
Saturn rules on judgement
So what to do during Saturn stationery??
here is the answer
 If you want to file your case in court you should file in court in this days . You will win the case
 If you have enemy you should meet him personally direct and you will find exactly what he want to do
Please do not use media person between you and your enemy
Due to Saturn if marriage matters are not solving you should direct approach them during this time and your matter will solve in this retrogression three months
Start everything which is stop from so many years or months
Clean your house
Whatever thing which is not possible during movement .you can start during stationary and you will get the result during retrogression
If your any file is stop in govt you should directly approach the officer and it will work
Good time for meditation
Start any activity which will  fulfill during retrogression
Start spiritual activity the universal force will come to you for help
Wherever your things are held up do some deeds and it will start working
Do some good deeds which will be taken into consider by Saturn
Donate blood in blood bank
Find NGO and donate something
Help poor people
Because this 10 day Saturn is stationary so he is judging people, so you can make him attention towards you during this time
Relationship is not working since so many time  it is time to direct approach them and get the result.
It is time to increase your deeds
Your marriage is about to fix but answer is not coming just go and directly approach them and you will find result definitely
It is the time to add some karma and you will get the result
Saturn will help you
Do your pending work
Student should start studying
Apply for new job
Guide others and motivate others is also Saturn activity
This time never come again
It’s secret of astrology
Just do it , you will get the result 101%
Good luck

Tuesday, 7 March 2017


Today  I am going to discuss most important topic in astrology  for marriage life happiness . it’s nothing but the planet Jupiter

Why Jupiter is the most important planet in marriage astrology  ??
Because  Jupiter  is  the father of marriage , Jupiter  represents  responsibilities of marriage life  ,duty of that person
So using Jupiter we can come to know in marriage life who will take the responsibilities of own ,family, child ,relationship with husband ,fate and desire fulfillment
We can also come to know she or he will take care of your emotion or not using this Jupiter techniques??
Jupiter in any birth chart plays a very important role because it effects 11 houses in birth chart
1) Where it is placed? 2) Three aspects 3) Two his own sign 4) Five houses (2,5,7,9,11) significant
So Jupiter is so much important planet in marriage match making
For example
Take  any chart : In any birth chart Jupiter is placed in 4th  house
So from 5th house it is placed 12th from it so the person will not take any responsibilities of   his/her  child (25 % of  responsibilities will be taken )
From 7th house it is placed 10th so the person will take responsibilities of  his/her  relationship  ( 75% of responsibilities will be taken)
From 9th house it is placed 8th so the person will not take responsibilities of his /her fate (0% of responsibilities will be taken )
From 11th house it is placed 6th so the person will not take responsibilities of his/her desire fulfillment (0 % of responsibility will be taken )
From 1st house it is placed 4th so the person will  take responsibilities of own self (75 % of responsibility will be taken )
From 2nd house it is placed 3rd so the person will only take responsibilities of family when it is given so for making that person work for family human effort is required ( 50% responsibility will be taken )

Will she /he take care of  your emotion or not??
For  this first go to opposite partner’s birth chart’s Jupiter and check whether it’s Jupiter aspects your moon sign or not?
If it is then your opposite partner will always take care of your emotions

Jupiter also has three aspects 1]Direct(7th aspect) 2]5th aspect 3]9th aspect
5th house is indicates Pastlife connection ,emotions, love ,child ,Inteligence
9th house is indicates religion ,father,duty,future karma,responsibility,etc
so where the 5th aspect and 9th aspect of Jupiter goes person will take care of that house also perfectly 
for example : In female's  chart if Jupiter placed in 4th house it aspect 8th house by his 5th aspect so she will take care of his opposite partner's family like his own child and 9th aspect on 12 house so she will also take care of her marriage.

This should be check in both the chart if in one’s chart something is not working then it should be work in another’s  birth chart
So that the marriage life can balanced

If someone’s marriage life is not working or not growing then one should not blame others first he/she should know his/her duty .
Because not only due to opposite partner but you are also not taking responsibilities  in this relationship that’s why your marriage life is not working


Thursday, 16 February 2017


Today i m going to discuss
How can SYNASTRY  help you to find  your  true soul mate?

First of all we should know what is soul? Soul (Atma)  is nothing but energy(karma) which has to be balance before our death.

We all are having ‘Soul’ in us. We are here on this earth for many years. Before going into detail regarding the soul mate as a life partner, It is important to realize that we have soul mates in all arrays of life. Soul Mates are group of souls that travel together throughout many life times. These group of souls incarnate together again & again to help & support each other and ultimately to teach and learn from another. 

We all have to complete our ‘Karmic Cycle’. So, at certain time intervals of different births, we come across different set of people, (which are our entire soul group) in which some stays for longer period others for shorter period. That all depends upon our karmic balance we are carrying with us. 

Now, comes to Soul Mate as a partner, we meet our soul mate who has been a partner in a previous life time. Our eyes are the mirror to the soul and when these meet, the loved ones feel the love they had in previous birth. Your soul knows it all. 

The term ‘Soul Mate’ is widely used these days by the people. And an astrologer is often asked some type of questions regarding this, such as, “Who will be my soul mates, when I will find him?”                 

The perfect soul mate, as per my view, is that who comes together in a significant relationship of each other’s growth and well being as much as their own. Their relationship is filled with light and love. These soul mates grow together physically, emotionally, spiritually with mature minds and complete their life journey.

Our Vedic Astrology helps us to find our soul mates to great extent. Here we see some combinations regarding finding perfect soul mates. 

In an astrology chart, 7th house is the house of partnership (whether life partner or business). According to our Karmic balance, we find our soul mate & astrologer helps us in doing so. He analyzes the 7th house and evaluates the Karma for positive and negative experiences connected with partnership. The presence of benefic planets of guidance, Jupiter or Venus, would give more positive experiences in relationship. But, if the 7th house occupies by malefic planet such as Saturn or Mars or the Sun, it tends towards the negative experience as well.        

There are some other houses & factors which help us to find out ideal or spiritual experience with partner. The 5th house is the house of past lines and Romance in a chart. If 5th house lord is staying with 7th house lord or 5th house lord is sitting in 7th house or vice-versa, signifies ‘love marriage as 5th house is also called house of spiritual practices, and in a chart involvement of 5th and 7th is present, then it signifies the relationship as ‘spiritual soul mates!’

Another house that helps an astrologer to find soul mate is 9th house. 9th house is the house of good fortune, beliefs and mysterious deeds. If 7th house makes connection with 9th house of any type then it is considered auspicious and helps to raise up the experience of partnership.

One other house is present in the chart which helps us to understand certain things. The 12the house is the house of loss, Spiritual & meditation. In one way it comes out as a bad result if 7th house & 12th house makes any connection. But the other side shows us light. For instance Gemini ascendant chart, Venus is the ruler of both, 5th house (house of love) & the 12the house (house of spirit) and its placement in the 7th house is with the 7th house lord indicates an ideal love in long run. 
After seeing the combination about how would my soul mate be? The question instantly arises ‘when will I find him?”. For that we have certain techniques in our astrology such as ‘Dasha System & Gochar(transit)’. Now, astrologer has to find out when the 7th house Karma will be ‘turned on’. 
The dasha of the 7th lord, the dasha of a planet sitting in the 7th house, will activate the timing with your partner and Gochar(transit) fully rectifies it or you can say gives perfection to the timing. 
As far as partnership is concerned, the horoscope of both the partners is equally important to find out best results. Then only an astrologer will come to certain conclusion which will be of great worth. 
Now, as for ‘Soul Mate’ question arises, the partners do have the desire and ability to surrender ego, to love each other unconditionally otherwise the relationship will not survive as long as it could be. So, first we need to prepare ourselves for our ‘Soul Mate’ to make each other’s life heaven rather we find out somewhere in the outside world.

Some special technique for check whether two person will become soulmates or not?

In your birth chart planet who is having highest degree it is known as atma karak planet. And the planet who is having least degree it is called kalatra karak planet
Ascendant lord is the planet which shows our body
Rahu  is  the  planet which  shows your future karma to be done
Ketu is the planet which shows your past karma to be resolve
Fifth house is the house which shows your past life karma and ninth house shows your future life karma
Sun is the natural karak of soul for all birth chart
First take kundali of you and your soul mate then check this


If so many planets are 9/5 to each other then she and he are may be soulmates

If your so many house lord are 9/5 to each other then she and he are may be soulmates

If your ascendant  is 9/5 to each other then possibilities of soulmates increase further

In between  shri  Krishna and Radha  sun moon and ascendant were found 9/5 to each other

If your atmakarak planet is other’s kalatra karak planet then then you will feel  attraction towards eachother and due to karmic relation you meet each other

If one’s atmakarak planet in others  ascendant or  with ascendant lord  or  with  rahu  then due to karmic relation you meet this person in this birth if this is found in both the chart then he or she may be your soul mates

If in one’s ascendent chart one planet place in specific sign in ascendant in other’s ascendant chart if same planet placed in seventh house then you are may be each others  soul mates

If in one's ascendant chart venus in some sign in another chart rahu (north node) in same sign then they may become a soul mates because rahu(north node) indicates future karma to be made which is not complete in past life due to some resistance.so whenever this two persons meets they feel magnetic attraction towards each other

If in one's ascendant chart venus in some sign in another chart ketu in same sign then they are soul mates from past life they may become in this life but this relationships may not long lasting as venus rahu because ketu will break this relation after karmic cycle end

If in one's ascendant chart jupiter in some sign in another ascendant chart venus in same sign then they may become soulmates

If one's ascendant chart jupiter in some sign in another ascendant chart rahu in same sign they may become soulmates

I mostly found that in ascendant chart in which house ketu is placed that house should be strong in opposite partner's (soul mate's) ascendant chart

In opposite partner's navmansh chart navamansh ascendent lord is placed in some sign and if in our birth chart seventh house lord or jupiter (female's birthchart its shows husband) or venus (male's birth chart its shows wife ) is also placed in that same sign then you may be a soul mates

If your fifth house lord is in some sign in same sign opposite partner's birthchart have sun( natural soul in all birthchart) then you may become soul mates

If your ninth house lord is in some sign in same sign opposite partner's birthchart have sun(natural soul in all birthchart) then you may become soul mates

Hope this article is  helpful to you all
Comment if you have idea of other technique to find chances of soul mates between two ascendant chart


Monday, 6 February 2017


So many couple who are facing problems in their marriage life or in love relationships or may in one sided love or in money or luck problems should do this. It is 101% working because it is written in our shashtra
1. Pipal Tree

*In Hinduism, families worship Pipal Tree as a deity due to its beneficial effect by offering the water to tree and it gives blessings to the worshipper as the roots Pipal Tree, represents Brahma, the trunk of the tree represents Lord Vishnu and leaves of the tree represent Lord Shiva.

* Worshipping the tree helps in controlling the thoughts, removes hurdles in marriage and Love it is also good for children and fertility and prosperous for family growth.

* It is astrlogically believed that if a person has manglik dosh, marrying a Peepal Tree, removes the dosh and a person can marry a non-manglik person.

* It also helps in removing obstacles in Financial growth and brings multiple source of income to the worshipper.

* In Astrology, the Pipal tree is related to the planet Jupiter. If a person has a auspicious Jupiter, worshipping Pipal tree, makes Jupiter into very graceful and rewarding one and if a person has an inauspicious Jupiter, worshipping Pipal tree turns it into a stronger one. And Also, wood of Pipal tree is used for havana ceremony to calm down the effects of malefic Jupiter.

* It is believed mythologically that Pipal tree grows itself and mostly found in Temples and it is believed that if a Pipal tree grows in one’s house, its very fortunate and properous for the entire family and no one plants the tree and one should not cut the tree.
in this workship you should just go to the tree on any day , best day is Saturday (don't do this on sunday) then pour water in pipal then light oil lamp then take  4 or 5 or 7 circumambulation of tree with chanting this mantra " om namo bhagvati vasudevay "at last take the blessing of lord vishnu  and  lakshmi
it is also tree for fifth house in your birthchart so if any one who is not getting his love (may be one sided) can get his love through this remedies 

2. Banana Tree

* Banana Tree is a very pious tree and symbolizes Lord Vishnu. People worship the tree on Thursdays to get the benefits of Jupiter. Roots of Banana Tree are tied with yellow thread are worn.

* Banana as a fruit is offered to Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi for good Married Life and good Financial Condition and happiness of family.

* Leaves of Banana tree are used in many auspicious and used religiously in many Hindu festivals.

* It is astrologically believed that if a person has manglik dosh, marrying a Banana Tree removes the dosh and a person can marry a non-manglik person.

3. Mango Tree

* Mango Tree is a very sacred Tree and its fruit and leaves are used in many religious purposes like Yagya (Yagya is an important ceremony to calm down the negative effects planets and obtain their beneficial results).

* According to Vastu Sashtra, mango leaves are helpful in removing Evil’s Eye and brings harmony in one’s house.
Take 11 mango leaves, string together and hang over entrance of your house.

* According to Feng shui, Planting a Mango tree in your house or property, helps in inviting the God of Wisdom, Peace and Luck.

4. Tulsi Plant (Holy Basil)

* In Hindu mythology, Tulsi is worshipped as Goddess, also considered as a wife of Lord Vishnu (called as Vishnupriya, the beloved of Vishnu).

* According to Hindu customs, Tulsi Vivah ( is the ceremonial marriage of the Tulsi plant who is considered to be an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi, with Lord Vishnu). Tulsi Vivah (or Marriage) is helpful in removing obstacle if delay in marriage

* Tulsi Plant or Holy Basil is a very sacred plant, in other words its also called Miracle or Queen of Herbs. It has been significant to mankind in many religious and medicinal ways.

* Tulsi Plant is also helpful as being spiritual purity, as it attracts the God’s energy (satvik) and purify the mind and soul.

* According to Vasthu Sastra, planting a Tulsi Plant in your house (north, east, northeast or in front of the house), is very auspicious.

* According to Ayurvedic studies, taking Tulsi leaves gives relief in stress and cold. It also sharpens the memory and enhance the concentration power of the person because it improve your mercury

5. Money Plant

* Money Plant is beautiful green leafy indoor plant, many people call it as “A Plant to become Rich”, as its leaves stay greener more than other plant’s leaves And as the plant has different shapes of leaves, it denotes differently in many terms.

* According to Vastu Sashtra, if one plants a Money Plant in the house brings Luck and Riches in one’s life as its round and flat shaped leaves resembles a coin.

* Money Plant is also believed to bring long-lasting friendship or love relationship , due its heart shaped leaves.

* According to Feng shui, Money Plant (also called as Feng Shui Money Tree is used to enhance the energy of wealth and prosperity in the Wealth and Money Bag  area(Southeast) of your home.

* According a myth, its said that one should not cutting of his or her planted Money Plant to anyone as its believed that one is giving his or her wealth to other person.

Sunday, 5 February 2017









Venus is the planet of pleasure. Mars is the planet of desire. So, Venus and mars is the most important planet in marriage astrology . One astrologer must check its placement in both the horoscope and should also match its placement  in  both the birth chart.

In today, in world of freedom with  mental compatibility physical compatibility should also check
because if due to any reason mental compatibility is not working then sexual  / physical compatibility will balance it 

In our society we see that so many couple have extra marital affairs and sometimes  wife are also complaining that my husband rape me etc it’s all due to mars Venus placement in both the birth chart. Sometime it is also due to birth chart problem of individuals like mars in seventh or Venus in seventh house north-node in seventh house it depends....but Venus and mars are most effecting planets in birth chart

Mars is the demand and Venus is the supply if demand and supply with each other is perfect than there will be no problem in marriage

We also analysis this ashtkoot Milan by yoni dosha but it is just by nakshatra so desire and pleasure of individual should also check by Venus and Mars placement in each other’s birth chart
So first of all learn this steps of Venus mars Synastry
First step find out Venus in which sign of both the birth chart
Second step find out mars in which sign of both the birth chart
Then count sign number from one mars to others Venus
If mars Venus placed 9/5 to each other than 100% satisfaction (natural match )
If mars Venus placed 1/1 , 4/10 ,1/7 to each other than 75% satisfaction (natural match )
If mars Venus placed 3/11 than 50% satisfaction (human effort required)
If mars Venus placed 2/12 than 25% satisfaction (friendship and effort required in this relationship. possibility of rape)
If mars Venus placed 6/8 than 0% satisfaction (so much effort required ,possibility of extra marital affair)
For example
In one boy‘s birth chart Venus is in leo sign and mars in scorpio sign
In one girl’s birth chart Venus and mars both in pisces
So In  boy’s birth chart mars and girls birth chart Venus are placed 9/5 to each other so whenever boy desire girl will supply
But in girl’s birth chart mars and boy’s birth chart Venus are placed 6/8 to each other so whenever girl desire boy will not supply

I found this is in so many birth chart and the girls were  having extra marital affair so if some one has 0 marks in yoni dosha but having  good placement of Venus mars than they will not face any problem in bedroom life but  if you not get any marks in yoni dosha and also problem in this Venus mars placement  than their bedroom pleasure will be not good

other's placement of planet which also  makes your marriage life happy
In in one's birth chart venus in some sign in opposite partner's birth chart rahu in same sign then rahu person will increase the pleasure of venus person
If in one's birth chart venus in some sign in opposite partner's birth chart moon in same sign then they both will enjoy eachother's company its best yoga for love and romance
If in one's birth chart mars in some sign in opposite partner's birth chart moon in same sign then moon person will fulfill the desire of mars person


Tuesday, 24 January 2017


Today i am going to discuss very important topic of astrology . There are so many couples in the world who are not having any matchmaking but since they are good compatible with each other. There are so many couple in the world who are having good compatibility since they are facing problems in their marriage life . Today i am taking this topic because valentine day is coming
So let’s discuss,
Generally we have see that every person come and asked that which sign is more compatible with me we can answer them easily by looking into their birth chart .All that sign who’s sign  lord are mutual friend with the person sign lord are most compatible signs since there are also some other friendship chances
So marriage match making not only depends on the  gun Milan  mangaldosh  and nadidosha. But it is also require deep knowledge of astrology  because in marriage match making gunmilan we just considers one’s moon sign only which is just 11% effective to our match making since it is the most important because moon is the mood of one person for other person  but we also must consider the attraction between two birth chart  and the chances of friendship between two .
For that we should put two birth chart together and check their compatibility using the synastry  we can get the actual picture of love attraction and friendship between two
1) In one birth chart moon is in some sign and if in another birth chart  sun is in same sign then there is a emotional bondage between two person. Ex girl having moon in cancer sign where boy having sun in the cancer sign then it is best emotional bond between them because girl will having so much emotion towards this relation and boy will also understand the emotions of girl
2) In one birth chart Venus is in some sign and if another birth chart  moon is in same sign then there is a good emotional link between them and there will be a natural attraction between them the Venus person is attract naturally towards the moon person by physically and moon person is attract naturally towards the Venus person by mentally. So one’s love language is easily understand by the other one and other on will react very beautifully so this is the best chances for love attraction and friendship
3) In one birth chart Venus in some sign and if another birth chart  north node (rahu) is in the same sign  then they will be magnetically pulled towards each other In this case Venus person will try his best to get  northnode (rahu) person in his or her life . Rahu (northnode ) is the karmic planet for future work(karma) so marriage possibilities between this two birth chart is goes up to 99%
4) In one birth chart moon is some sign or (nakshatra) and if another birth chart  Jupiter in the same sign then there will be best friendship between them. in this case if boy’s Jupiter sign falls on girls Jupiter sign its best friendship you ever see in your life and they will also having soulful bondage between them
5)In one birth chart sign fall on others moon sign or Jupiter sign or Venus sign then there will be a good mutual understanding and friendship between them
6)In one’s moon sign or sun sign fall on other’s birth chart sign or fifth house sign or in the seventh house sign then there is some karmic relation between them
7)In one birth chart moon is in some sign and in other birth chart mars in same sign then there will be  good attraction between them and it is also good for  their friendship . Mars person will be aggressive towards this relation and moon person can easily catch the aggression of mars person react with a good emotion so it is also good relation possibilities between this two couple
8) In one birth chart sun mars and mercury in some sign and if other birth chart  Jupiter in same sign then there will be good respect towards each other
9) So many planets in the same sign are also indicates a good friendship between two
10)  In one birth chart there is a one planet in birth sign and if other birth chart this planet is situated in same sign there will be good friendship between them and it is more good if this planet is situated in the centre or trines(9/5) houses of others birth chart
11)In one birth chart sign ,moon sign and the sun sign are situated 9/5 to other then there will be best friendship between them and also good karmic relation between them
Birth chart to birth chart 9/5 relation was between shree Krishna and Radha
Sun sign to sun sign 9/5 relation was between shree Krishna and rukmani
12) 0pposite attracts!! One birth chart sign to other is situated 1/7 to each other then there will be a attraction of very high level between them it may be same as Venus – mars
cancer - capricorn and leo - aquarious are not consider in this pair
13) If both are having same birth chart sign then there will be a good friendship between them
14) If in between both the chart so many house lords are 1/7,4/10,3/11,9/5 to each other then there is a good understanding between them
15) If birth chart sign lord are in the same house or seventh house lord in the same house or 1/7 to each other then it id indicates good friendship
16) Aatmakarka planet(having highest degree) in one birth chart if the kalatrakarak(having lowest degree) planet for other birth chart then there will be good attraction between them  and there is also karmic relation between them
17) If one birth chrat’s   Aatmakarak planet is making relation with other’s birth charts sign then there will be good friend ship between them
18) if one birth chart’s  Aatmakarak planet is making relation with other’s birth sign , birth sign lord or rahu (north node) and ketu( south node) then due to karmic relation they are meet to each other
19) If in one birth chart sun or mars in some sign if in other birth chart if Saturn in same sign then this type of relation mostly always breaks
Nothing and nobody is perfect in this world in this way marriage life is also not so Astrologer should not terrified the person , the astrologer should just give idea about their relationship after that person should try to reduce this effect in their relationship  by their mutual understanding.

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Thursday, 5 January 2017


Synastry is an astrological technique of determining compatibility between two individual by comparing the planets sign with another person planets sign. In this technique we check similar sign fall over each other sign in the birth chart to those in the other person’s chart. e.g. If your Saturn in Taurus and your partner Rahu/North Node in Taurus its mean your Saturn sign falling on its Rahu/North Node sign then you have some karmic relation with them. When this happen it show some past connection with partner there is some learning in this lifetime with that person.

There are some people said that, when they meet someone they feel something which attract towards them, they may be drawn to someone highly romantically but it does not mean they have long lasting relationship. It just due to their planets placement in the birth chart which create some magnetic attraction. As we know Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node) they are not planet they are the Moon nodes which works like magnetic field. Whenever you're any planet sign match with other person Rahu/North Node and Ketu (South Node) sign it create a magnetic pull and you draw to that person automatically. When there is this kind of planetary relationship with another nodes of moon then it have some meaning.This can be very positive or can be negative depending on which planets involved with Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node) with other person birth chart. Karmic relationship in a chart suggests that the lesson you need to learn. If you are in a situation like this, consider that it may be a valuable gift from the universe. You are being challenged to overcome it so that you can go to the next level of consciousness.How to check what the important people in your life are there to teach you about and if you have past life connection with them. 

This method will teach you an astrological way to determine if a relationship is more likely to stay in your life or failure in the long run.Rahu (North Node) is amplifier and present future karma to made and Ketu (South Node) is attenuator past karma to be resolved.In a partner relationship women feel good when they receive and man feel good when they give. This is a normal feminine and masculine energy relationship mind set between man and women biologically. If it goes other way round relationship can be ruin.

Sun is the King, Pride, Inspiration, Ego, and Leadership.

Man Rahu (North Node) falls on Women Sun : Rahu/North Node amplify the Sun quality of women, which is not good synastry match, because Sun is king, pride, inspiration, ego, and leadership. Initially man attracts towards women authoritative and leadership role, but with time they don’t like woman in leading role. With time it create problem because man wants to be in this role which create ego problem to the man and this relation not going to work in the long term.

Women Rahu (North Node) falls on Man Sun: This is good combination synastry match for both of them because women Rahu/North Node amplified man Sun quality which is good for long run. A women always want a authoritative and leadership quality in a man who always inspire and lead her a dignified way in the society.

Man Ketu (South Node) falls on Women Sun: This is good combination synastry match because man Ketu (South Node) diminishes women leadership and authoritative quality, which should be in man and woman relationship. This relationship works in ais long lasting.

Women Ketu (South Node) falls on Man Sun: This is not good combination synastry match because woman Ketu/South Node diminishes man’s Sun quality. Which are leadership, authoritative and inspirational quality of a man. Initially women drawn to man but with time relationship became less inspirational and disregarding with time.

Moon is feelings, care, motherly love and selfless love.

Man Rahu (North Node) falls on Women Moon: when man Rahu (North Node) on woman Moon falls is good because it amplify caring and nurturing nature of the woman. The man also helps women in many ways.

Women Rahu (North Node) falls on Man Moon: it depend on the condition of the Moon. Weather Moon is waxing or waning. If waxing Moon then it is good or it is waning Moon then it is not good.

Man Ketu (South Node) falls on Women Moon or Women Ketu (South Node) falls on Man Moon: in both the cases not good, it minimize the love and caring nature of each other. They feel less emotional for each other and very dry with time.

Mars is Individualism, Action and Fighting Ability.

Man Rahu (North Node) falls on Women Mars or Women Rahu (North Node) falls on Man Mars: This is not good synastry match. Whenever woman Mars or man Mars falls on each other Rahu/North Node it amplify the argument and fighting with each other. Initially these people attract with each other and enjoy fighting but with time it increases may lead to many conflicts and problems, which is not good for long term relationship.

Women Ketu (South Node) falls on Man Mars or Man Ketu (South Node) falls on Women Mars: This is good synastry match because this combination resolves past life issues with each other. This combination diminishes argumentative and fight habits of each other. This combination is good for long term relationship.

Women Ketu (South Node) falls on Man Mars or Man Ketu (South Node) falls on Women Mars: This is good synastry match because this combination resolves past life issues with each other. This combination diminishes argumentative and fight habits of each other. This combination is good for long term relationship.

Women Ketu (South Node) falls on Man Mars or Man Ketu (South Node) falls on Women Mars: This is good synastry match because this combination resolves past life issues with each other. This combination diminishes argumentative and fight habits of each other. This combination is good for long term relationship.

Mercury is Communication, Interest, Fun and Enjoyment.

Man Rahu (North Node) falls on Women Mercury or Women Rahu (North Node) falls on Man Mercury: This is good synastry match because this combination amplify the Mercury things which communication with each other, enjoying time, increasing and supporting each other interest and helping in learning skill with each other. This combination is good for long term relationship.

Women Ketu (South Node) falls on Man Mercury or Man Ketu (South Node) falls on Women Mercury: This is not good synastry match because this combination diminish or reducing the Mercury stuff which enjoying, fun, learning and entertainment with each other. This is not good for long term relationship.

Jupiter is Hope, Wisdom, Children and Higher Learning.

Man Rahu (North Node) falls on Women Jupiter or Women Rahu (North Node) falls on Man Jupiter: This is good synastry match because this combination amplifies the Jupiter things. Which are hopes, higher learning and wisdom of life. These people grow with each other. With time their relationship with kids grow and they enjoying time with each other.

Women Ketu (South Node) falls on Man Jupiter or Man Ketu (South Node) falls on Women Jupiter: This combination who ‘ Kahu/South Node falls in Jupiter student or child of the person. This is not good synastry match because this combination diminish or reducing the Jupiter things. They lose their interest with each in higher learning and growing children. This is not good for long term relationship.

Women Ketu (South Node) falls on Man Jupiter or Man Ketu (South Node) falls on Women Jupiter: This combination who ‘ Kahu/South Node falls in Jupiter student or child of the person. This is not good synastry match because this combination diminish or reducing the Jupiter things. They lose their interest with each in higher learning and growing children. This is not good for long term relationship.

Women Ketu (South Node) falls on Man Jupiter or Man Ketu (South Node) falls on Women Jupiter: This combination who ‘ Kahu/South Node falls in Jupiter student or child of the person. This is not good synastry match because this combination diminish or reducing the Jupiter things. They lose their interest with each in higher learning and growing children. This is not good for long term relationship.

Venus is Beauty, Love, Mutual Respect, Romance and Sex.

Man Rahu (North Node) falls on Women Venus or Women Rahu (North Node) falls on Man Venus: This is good synastry match because this combination amplifies the Venus things. Which are love, romance, respect and harmony affection for each other. They become more affectionate with each other. Their relation grows with time good for long term relationship.

Women Ketu (South Node) falls on Man Venus or Man Ketu (South Node) falls on Women Venus: Venus is wife for a man when man Venus fall in woman Ketu/South Node its mean she was his wife in past life. This is not good synastry match because this combination diminish or reducing the Venus things. They lose interest in loving each other with time, they are less romantic and feel bored with each other. They did not give respect and non-compromising with each other. This is not good for long term.

Women Ketu (South Node) falls on Man Venus or Man Ketu (South Node) falls on Women Venus: Venus is wife for a man when man Venus fall in woman Ketu/South Node its mean she was his wife in past life. This is not good synastry match because this combination diminish or reducing the Venus things. They lose interest in loving each other with time, they are less romantic and feel bored with each other. They did not give respect and non-compromising with each other. This is not good for long term.

Women Ketu (South Node) falls on Man Venus or Man Ketu (South Node) falls on Women Venus: Venus is wife for a man when man Venus fall in woman Ketu/South Node its mean she was his wife in past life. This is not good synastry match because this combination diminish or reducing the Venus things. They lose interest in loving each other with time, they are less romantic and feel bored with each other. They did not give respect and non-compromising with each other. This is not good for long term.

Saturn is Limit, Obstacle, Harshness, and Cold Planet.

Man Rahu (North Node) falls on Women Saturn or Women Rahu (North Node) falls on Man Saturn: This is very difficult synastry match because Saturn is obstacle, harshness, discipline, resentment, control detachment and coldness. Rahu/North Node amplify all these Saturn energy it create problem in long term relationship. This combination is not good for long term relationship.

Women Ketu (South Node) falls on Man Saturn or Man Ketu (South Node) falls on Women Saturn: .This is good synastry match because this combination diminishes the Saturn things. It resolves the past Saturn karma it resolve the Saturn problems. This is good for long term it become smoother with time. Initial the person feels detachment in relation but with time Saturn difficulties is gone. This combination is good for partner relationship or husband wife

Women Ketu (South Node) falls on Man Saturn or Man Ketu (South Node) falls on Women Saturn: This is good synastry match because this combination diminishes the Saturn things. It resolves the past Saturn karma it resolve the Saturn problems. This is good for long term it become smoother with time. Initial the person feels detachment in relation but with time Saturn difficulties is gone. This combination is good for partner relationship or husband wife.

Women Ketu (South Node) falls on Man Saturn or Man Ketu (South Node) falls on Women Saturn: This is good synastry match because this combination diminishes the Saturn things. It resolves the past Saturn karma it resolve the Saturn problems. This is good for long term it become smoother with time. Initial the person feels detachment in relation but with time Saturn difficulties is gone. This combination is good for partner relationship or husband wife.